Frequently Asked Questions


What should my fitness level be to join a Trail?

If you are at a moderate fitness level, exercising at least twice per week (walking/jogging/running/cycling/hiking), you should be in good stead to manage a Trail (carrying your backpack). There will be some distance to cover, but the group will set it’s own pace. The primary objective is to engage with Wilderness and not to ‘conquer’ the Trail.

What is the distance covered each day on Trail?

You would walk approximately 10 kilometres each day on Trail, although this distance can vary greatly based on the group’s specific interests, water availability, and tracking opportunities.

Is there a participant age restriction/limit for your Trails?

Participants must be 12 years or older. Persons over 65 years of age will be required to provide a doctor’s letter confirming that they are fit enough to undertake the Trail.

How often will I have access to fresh water on Trail?

Water provision while on Trail is rainfall-dependent. During the summer months, when water is plentiful, you’ll collect from pools in non-perennial rivers, elephant diggings and depressions/pans in the veld. Once the dry winter months arrive, the guides will do water-drops prior to the start of the Trail. Every evening and morning of the Trail you will have access to clean water for drinking/cooking and washing, at which times you will be able to fill your water bottles.

What do I need to pack for my Trail?

Participants must be completely self-sufficient. You will find a detailed list of ‘What to Pack’, as well as meal suggestions, on the Trail brochure.

Where can I purchase dehydrated Trail meals?

There are many choices on the market, but you could consider any of the following companies when planning your Trail menu:

  • Epic Chow | insert the code LowveldTrails15% on checkout to receive your 15% discount.
  • Trail Food Company | insert the code Lowveld 5 on checkout to receive your 5% discount.
Do you rent out equipment to Trail participants?

Unfortunately not. If you need to rent Trail equipment, we suggest you contact Scuttle or No Gear No Fear.

What do you provide to Trail participants?

We only provide you with a Bivvy Bag in which to put your sleeping bag during the night to protect you from rain or dew. Leave a small space for this in your backpack, or you can strap it to the outside.


Where will I find the Trail/Course meeting point & time information?

You will find information regarding the meeting/end points and times on the relevant Trail or Course web page or brochure.

Is my Trail/Course in a malaria area?

The town of Hoedspruit, the Timbavati PNR and Makuya NR all fall in a Malaria area, but these specific locations are generally considered low-risk and none of us who live/operate here take any medical precautions, we only use repellent etc. and watch for symptoms. 

Although you have a low risk of contracting Malaria in these areas, it is your choice if you would like to take prophylactics during your visit.

Is there a camping/outdoor shop in Hoedspruit?

Yes, you can visit ‘The Great Outdoors’ at the Pick ‘n Pay Centre in the Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate.

You can contact them on or  +27 15 793 2200.

Do you have any shuttle services or transfer companies to recommend to me?

Here are some of our recommended transfer companies that operate in the Hoedspruit area:

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Primitive trails, Lowveld Trails Co, Makuya Primitive Trail, Lowveld Trails Co., Levuvhu River, Primitive Trail, Makunya Nature Reserve, Mentorship trails, Trails guides, FGASA qualification, Lowveld Trails Company, Trails Company South Africa, Trails Company Limpopo, Walking Trails, Trails guide training, Lowveld Trails Company Hoedspruit South Africa